Maker Tags

Maker Tags

Sale Price:$1.00 Original Price:$2.00

A price tag, care tag, materials tag and thank you all rolled into one! Includes 10 tags on one sheet of paper. Make sure you don’t scale the media to fit when printing. Write the price below the dotted line so customers can cut that off and keep the rest of the tag intact for gift giving. Note: Link expires 24 hours after first download so make sure you save the file asap.

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Visit the blog for details on how to get the most from your maker tags.

Happy making!


CF6BB96F-057B-450C-9FA4-C01F4A0880FD 1B6900E3-435C-4678-A95E-01710D77C37C

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F8A08DD5-C359-434B-8130-1FE2024143A6 DEF3705D-8878-43CE-A182-B36230507B38

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