FREE Maker Tags

In a normal year I sell 90% of my products in person. I would share care information, explain sizing, and hand them a business card if they wanted to inquire about buying from me at a later date. 2020 has caused me to shift to more retail selling locations where I am not there to chat with customers. Information that you would normally provide during a conversation with a customer still needs to be available so they can properly care for their purchase. Enter the maker tag:




Care instructions


Thank you

This little tag packs a big punch!

You can get the PDF for FREE in my online store.

Maker Tags

Each page has 10 tags on it. Cut down the center lengthwise to leave room at the bottom of the tags to write in a price. If you are shipping merchandise and don’t need to list the price then cut on the dotted line.


I like baker’s twine or jute twine to attach the tags. Cut twine 9 inches long, thread through the hole, and tie into a loop. The loop fits snugly over the pom.


If I’m shipping a hat or stocking a retail location I add my business card over the top of the maker tag since it contains my contact information. The pdf download is for a plain maker tag - not the brand specific one below.


I wish you all success in your sales during this challenging 2020 season!